Thursday, June 6, 2019

How does a pool lift benefit different sets of people?

ada compliant pool lifts
You must have heard that ADA compliant pool lifts are beneficial for handicapped individuals. But, the use of these lifts hasn't restricted to this set of individuals. Through this blog post, we discuss the benefits that different sets of people can derive.

The Elderly 

The seniors find it difficult to perform exercises. With pool lift, they need not worry. They can walk against the water resistance, something equivalent to doing an exercise.

Obese individuals

Even obese individuals require proper exercise to remove those extra pounds and inches. The pool lift ensures they enter the water and walk in it easily.
ADA pool lift
Cerebral Palsy

A well-designed pool lift ensures that every child gets an opportunity to enjoy the pool. The parents/guardians need to ensure that the children also wear safety floating device.

Healthy individuals

Yes, you read it right! Even healthy individuals can utilize these lifts. While climbing out of the pool, they can utilize this equipment to reduce the chance of slipping. In case someone gets hurt, transporting him/her out of the pool gets easier with these ADA compliant pool lifts.

All these points that pool lift designed to be beneficial for almost every type of individual. At Access-Able Designs, you will find a huge variety of ADA pool lifts at prices you can easily afford. We also offer ADA pool access chair at highly affordable rates. Check all the available options, along with their prices and specifications from here:

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Things you should know about pool lifts

ADA pool lift
If you have a pool in your commercial establishment, it is crucial to consider the option of a pool lift. To learn more about this equipment, go through different aspects discussed below.

A merchandized seat responsible for lowering or raising an injured or disabled person into a swimming pool is referred to as a pool lift. The presence of some sort of restraint ensures that the user does not fall off or leave the seat voluntarily.

Types of pool lifts

There are mainly two types of pool lifts:

Permanent Pool Lift

The pools present at therapy centers or similar establishments have permanent pool lift installed on the edge of their concrete pool. The issue with this pool lift is that one can’t move it.

Portable pool lift

Hydraulic pool liftThis variant uses a hydraulic system for lowering or raising the seat. This pool lift, which is usually on wheels, can be installed anywhere around the pool.

The Benefits

Give each guest the chance to enjoy the water. This also helps you earn more like an establishment. Such facilities ensure more registrations, which increases the bottom line. You can advertise such features of your pool on website or brochure. Those who install it is in their home-based swimming pool also enjoy plenty of benefits, such as enabling their loved ones to enjoy the pool.

To purchase superior quality ADA pool lift, check the options at Access-Able Designs. You can also order these hydraulic pool lifts instantly: