Sunday, March 10, 2019

Why Should You Opt to Aquatic Exercises?

Handicap pool lift
There are many physical and psychological benefits of aquatic exercises. Getting the benefits of swimming and other water activities can be essential to an individual’s mental and overall health. People who are experiencing stress, have a disability or are recovering from an injury would benefit highly from aquatic therapy.

What many people aren’t aware of is that aquatic rehab can relieve chronic pain because of the natural properties of water. There is no denying that water is relaxing, but it can also produce great workout results. People with disabilities can experience the benefits of aquatic therapy by using ADA Pool Lift to access a pool.

Whole Body Workout

Aquatic exercises can tone your body. It also works to condition all of the muscle groups. Swimming breaststroke, backstroke or freestyle are the exercises that work on conditioning the entire body. Swimming is also known for improving endurance and flexibility.

Prevent Overheating

ADA compliant swimming pool lift
Water can disperse heat much better than air. You can use Hydraulic Pool Lift because pool water cools you off easier than your running outside in the sun. Aquatic activities are much more comfortable and more refreshing on the body.

Low Risk of Injury

There are minimal risks of injury when you exercise in the water. Aquatic activities don’t put stress on the joints or bones due to water’s buoyancy. People weigh 1/10th less in water; it means you can support your body weight easier.

So, what are you waiting for? Place an order for Hydraulic Pool Lift at Access-able Design today:

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